
10 Things The Middle Class Won’t Be Able To Afford In 5 Years Due To Inflation - New Trader U

Inflation, the gradual increase in the prices of goods and services over time, significantly impacts the purchasing power of money. The middle class faces increasing financial challenges as inflation rates continue to rise.

In this article, we will explore ten things that the middle class is starting to struggle to afford now. If nothing is done to slow the current inflation rate, this situation may only worsen in the next five years, making these things beyond the financial reach of the middle class.

How Has Inflation Affected the Middle Class?

Here are ten things that the middle class may struggle to afford in the next five years due to the current inflation rate:
  1. Homeownership: Rising housing costs and higher mortgage rates make it increasingly difficult for the middle class to afford homes, especially in high-demand areas.
  2. New Cars: The cost of new vehicles has been rising due to advancements in technology, safety features, and the cost of EV batteries, making them less affordable for the middle class.
  3. Private School Tuition: Tuition rates for private schools have steadily increased, potentially outpacing middle-class incomes.
  4. Higher Education: College tuition and associated expenses are expected to continue rising, making it harder for middle-class families to afford higher education for their children.
  5. Healthcare Costs: Healthcare insurance and expenses have risen faster than general inflation, straining middle-class families’ budgets.
  6. Extended Family Vacations: The tradition of extended family trips, especially overseas, may become unaffordable due to rising travel costs.
  7. Leisure and Travel in Retirement: Rising costs of travel and leisure activities may make it difficult for middle-class retirees to enjoy these pursuits.
  8. Retirement Savings: With the increasing cost of living, retirement savings may take a backseat as immediate expenses take priority.
  9. Fine Dining: With the restaurant inflation rate, the cost of fine dining may be unaffordable for the middle class in five years. Consumers are already financially strained to afford to eat regularly at fast food and casual dining restaurants.
  10. Childcare and Daycare: The cost of childcare and daycare services has been rising, making it difficult for middle-class families to afford these essential services.

These items reflect broader economic trends and the impact of inflation on the middle class, highlighting the need for careful financial planning and the need for the government to manage its increasing debt, interest rates, and the value of the US dollar more wisely to mitigate these challenges for the income earners.

Keep reading for a deeper look into each category and why they may be unaffordable for the middle class in five years at the current pace of inflation.

The Struggle to Afford Homeownership

The dream of homeownership is becoming increasingly difficult for the middle class to achieve. Rising housing costs and higher mortgage rates make it harder for families to afford homes, especially in high-demand areas.

According to recent data, the average home price has increased significantly over the past few years, outpacing the growth of middle-class incomes. Additionally, mortgage rates have been on an upward trend, further increasing the cost of borrowing for potential homebuyers.

The combination of these factors has led to a widening gap between home prices and the ability of middle-class families to afford them, as evidenced by the increasing income-to-home-price ratio. If home prices don’t stop going higher and interest rates don’t come down dramatically, the middle class will no longer be able to afford homes in major US cities.

New Cars Becoming a Luxury

New cars are becoming a luxury item for the middle class due to the rising costs associated with technological advancements, safety features, and the increasing price of EV batteries. The average price of a new car has been steadily climbing, making it less affordable for middle-class consumers.

The average price for a new vehicle in the United States in 2024 is $47,338, according to data collected by New-vehicle average monthly payments were $735 in Q1. Meanwhile, used-vehicle monthly payments were $546.

The growing gap between new and used car prices is further evidence of this trend, as many families opt for used vehicles to save money. Moreover, the high cost of EV batteries contributes to the overall increase in vehicle prices, making it even more challenging for the middle class to afford new cars.

Private School Tuition Out of Reach

Private school tuition rates have been steadily increasing, making it more difficult for middle-class families to provide their children with a private education. The average tuition for private schools has risen at a rate that outpaces the growth of middle-class incomes, putting a strain on family budgets.

National Private School Average Costs

  • Overall Average: $12,774 per year.
  • Elementary School: $11,859 per year.
  • High School: $16,306 per year.

As a result, the percentage of income spent on education has been growing, forcing many families to make difficult choices. Private school costs further highlight the financial challenges middle-class families who desire a private education for their children face.

The Increasing Burden of Higher Education

The cost of higher education continues to rise, making it harder for middle-class families to afford college for their children. College tuition and associated expenses have been increasing alarmingly, far outpacing the inflation rate.

This has led to a growing student loan debt burden, as many students and their families are forced to borrow money to cover the cost of education.

The impact of these rising costs on college affordability is significant, with many middle-class families struggling to keep up. As a result, the dream of higher education is becoming increasingly out of reach for many middle-class students unless they take on overwhelming student loans.

Skyrocketing Healthcare Costs

Healthcare insurance and costs have risen faster than general inflation, significantly straining middle-class families’ budgets. The average price of healthcare, including insurance premiums and out-of-pocket expenses, has been steadily increasing, consuming a growing share of middle-class incomes.

This trend seriously affects healthcare affordability, as many families are forced to make difficult choices between paying for essential medical care and other necessary expenses. As healthcare costs continue to skyrocket, the financial burden on middle-class families will likely worsen in the coming years.

Saying Goodbye to Extended Family Vacations

The rising travel costs may make extended family vacations, especially those involving overseas trips, unaffordable for many middle-class families. As travel prices continue to increase due to inflation, the travel industry is likely to experience changes in consumer behavior.

Families may need to adjust their vacation plans or opt for closer, more budget-friendly options. The growing share of income spent on travel is a testament to the financial strain many middle-class families face. As a result, long, extended, faraway family vacations may become a thing of the past for many middle-class households.

The Challenge of Saving for Retirement

As the cost of living increases, many middle-class families may struggle to prioritize retirement savings. With immediate expenses taking precedence, retirement savings may take a backseat, leading to a growing gap between retirement savings and expected costs.

This trend has profound long-term implications for middle-class financial security, as insufficient retirement savings can lead to economic hardship in later years. The impact of rising costs on retirement savings rates is a growing concern, as many middle-class families may be unable to save enough to maintain their desired standard of living in retirement.

Retirement Dreams of Leisure and Travel Fading

For middle-class retirees, the rising costs of travel and leisure activities may make it difficult for them to enjoy their envisioned retirement lifestyle. As prices increase, retirees may find that these activities consume a growing share of their retirement income, leaving less money for other essential expenses.

This trend will likely significantly impact retirement lifestyle expectations, as many middle-class retirees may need to adjust their plans and make sacrifices to make ends meet. The growing gap between retirement savings and expected expenses further highlights the financial challenges middle-class retirees face in the face of rising costs.

Fine Dining Becoming a Rare Treat

The rising cost of restaurant meals, particularly in the fine dining sector, may make eating out an unaffordable luxury for many middle-class families. As restaurant prices continue to increase, consumers feel the financial strain of dining out regularly, even at fast and casual restaurants.

The growing share of income spent on dining out is a signal to middle-class families’ financial challenges. As a result, fine dining experiences may become increasingly rare for middle-class consumers as they are forced to prioritize essential expenses over discretionary spending.

Childcare and Daycare: A Growing Financial Strain

The cost of childcare and daycare services has steadily risen, putting a significant financial strain on middle-class families. As prices continue to increase, families find it increasingly difficult to afford these essential services, which are often necessary for parents to maintain employment.

Average Childcare Costs

Nanny Costs:

  • The average weekly cost for a nanny is $766, up 4% from $736 in 2022.

Daycare Costs:

  • The average weekly cost for daycare is $321, up 13% from $284 in 2022.
  • The average annual cost of daycare is approximately $15,000 for an infant.

Family Care Center Costs:

  • The average weekly cost for a family care center is $230, up 0.4% from $229 in 2022.

Babysitter Costs:

  • The average weekly cost for a babysitter is $192, up 7% from $179 in 2022. [1] [2] [3]

The growing share of income spent on childcare and daycare is a testament to middle-class families’ financial challenges. This trend seriously affects family budgets and work-life balance, as many families may need to make difficult choices between paying for quality childcare and other essential expenses.

The Need for Financial Planning and Economic Government Policies

The impact of inflation on the middle class is a growing concern, as evidenced in the above areas. Middle-class families face increasing financial challenges as prices continue rising across various sectors.

Careful financial planning is essential to mitigate these challenges. Families should prioritize essential expenses, look for ways to reduce costs and invest in long-term financial security. However, individual action alone may not be enough to address the broader economic trends.

The government also has a crucial role in managing debt, interest rates, and the value of the US dollar to support middle-class financial stability. By implementing policies that promote economic growth, control inflation, and support the middle class, the government can help mitigate the impact of rising costs on families across the country.


Inflation will cause significant financial challenges for the middle class in the coming years. By understanding these challenges and taking proactive steps to address them, individuals and policymakers can work together to promote financial stability and security for middle-class families.

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May 26, 2024 at 05:53PM

10 Things The Middle Class Won’t Be Able To Afford In 5 Years Due To Inflation - New Trader U
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