
Letter: Grand Forks mayor should be able to make board appointments - Grand Forks Herald

While I now live in Bemidji, I continue to follow Grand Forks/UND with great interest. Celebrating the successes, observing the learning lessons. I am perplexed at the Library Board kerfuffle.

Several weeks ago, I was in the remodeled library. It looks great.

If you examine public data, you get to some interesting findings. At 9:21 a.m. on March 16, City Council President Dana Sande made an inquiry on “procedure” to the city attorney, Dan Gaustad, with a cc to Mayor Brandon Bochenski and City Administrator Todd Feland. At 9:08 a.m. Sande asked the former city attorney the same question. No cc to anyone. Chutzpah on steroids. Do the rest of the council support this behavior?

While all Library Board candidates were good, this is a mayoral decision. I do not believe Mayors Magnuson, O’Neil, Wessman, Polivitz, Owens, or Brown ever had a minor appointment challenged.

Who did Ronkowski list as references? Dr. Terry Brenner. Ms. Kathleen Gershman. Ms. Becca Baumbach. Dr. Mark Sanford. And what did current board members say when informed of the choice before the “Sande Sandbag?”

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“Two thumbs up,” Brad Sherwood.

“I have known Becky a long time. It will be great working with her,” current Library Board Chair Peter Johnson.

Grand Forks is on the cusp of a great reawakening. Dana, worry about the big picture. Step down as City Council president. Let Ms. Mock provide needed leadership

CT Marhula, Bemidji, Minn.

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April 17, 2021 at 10:00PM

Letter: Grand Forks mayor should be able to make board appointments - Grand Forks Herald
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