
How To Ignore The Worst Career Advice You’re Probably Still Following - Forbes

Ah, career advice.

There’s plenty of it to go around. People love to give it, and some of us love to get it, especially when we’re starting our journey or are in the midst of a career transition. But sometimes, those well-meaning advisers’ words can unintentionally lead us astray.

Here’s some of the worst career advice—and what to do instead:

Be quiet and keep your head down.

When I began my career, people repeatedly told me that to get ahead, you should do the work; the rewards and accolades would come eventually. And while sometimes they did, more often than not, passively waiting for my boss to acknowledge my hard work was an exercise in frustration and resentment.

Your boss is not a mind reader, nor do they spend time focused solely on your performance. If you want to get noticed, you need to speak up and stop hiding. This doesn’t mean you should whine about how you “deserve” a promotion (please don’t; entitlement isn’t pretty and rarely rewarded), but you should absolutely communicate with your boss to keep her up-to-date on the status of your projects, the results you’re responsible for, and how you’ve solved problems.

Not only does this shift you into a proactive mode, but it also reminds your superior that you’re capable and keeps you top-of-mind.

The only way to get ahead is _____.

Careers are not one-size-fits-all, and there’s rarely only one path to success. Take this advice with a grain of salt, realizing that the person offering it means well but is overgeneralizing by suggesting a solo solution.

What’s more useful advice is not to be afraid to deviate from a prescribed path if you feel it isn’t working for you and not aligned with your goals. Your career path need not be linear for you to be successful; it’s better to lose rigidity and be more adaptable to embrace opportunities.

Fake it ‘til you make it.

This little gem has certainly made the rounds in the last few decades. And today, in the age of social media where you can curate the perfect presence, many are heeding this adage in hopes of artificially positioning themselves as experts/gurus/ninjas/rockstars in their chosen field.

Confidence is one thing; cockiness is another. And spoiler alert: someone who says they have all the answers rarely does.

There is power in saying, “I don’t know, but I’ll find out.” Uttering those words isn’t an indication of ignorance; it’s a signal of your willingness to do what it takes to find a solution. And this doesn’t only apply to newbies. The finest leaders possess intellectual humility and would rather learn and understand something new than be “right.”

Remember, you get more experienced from experience, so don’t fret about your lack of knowledge; be eager to learn and volunteer for assignments to expand your knowledge base.

What you need to do is...

Raise your hand if you’ve gotten this unsolicited advice from people in your circle. The problem with it is that the person offering it typically doesn’t have any experience in your chosen career. More likely, they’re a friend or family member trying to “help” you.

Unless someone’s been there and done that, their “advice” is simply their opinion—and one that isn’t useful. Never take advice from people who aren’t getting the results you want to experience. Instead, seek counsel from those who have done what you want to do, and even then, use it as a suggestion rather than a rule to inform your own career journey.

Follow your passion.

Though this platitude is well-intended, it can be misleading. Yes, your “passion” aligns with doing the thing you love (at least for now), but that can set you up for too narrow a focus, especially when you’re just starting your career journey.

Instead of following your passion, lead with your curiosity. When you’re curious, you’re open. You view the world through the lens of what’s possible, and you stretch your boundaries. Being curious opens you up to new and interesting experiences, people, opportunities, and perhaps even professions that you may not have considered if you were solely following your passion.

Leading with curiosity also means you’ll become a lifelong learner, which is an asset in any career.

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April 17, 2021 at 09:00PM

How To Ignore The Worst Career Advice You’re Probably Still Following - Forbes
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